Best Management Practices
The Best Management Practices (BMP) program in Florida, overseen by the Department of Agriculture, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the water management districts, is a comprehensive approach aimed at protecting water quality in the state. Florida’s unique ecosystem, which includes extensive wetlands, rivers, and aquifers, is highly susceptible to pollution from various sources such as agriculture and stormwater runoff.
The BMP program focuses on implementing science-based strategies to minimize agricultural practices’ negative impact on water quality while maintaining sustainable production. These practices include adopting efficient irrigation techniques, managing nutrient inputs and fertilizer application, and implementing erosion and sediment control measures. By doing so, the program helps to reduce the potential for harmful algal blooms, nutrient pollution, and other water quality issues in Florida’s water bodies.
Collaboratively administered by the Department of Agriculture, USDA, and the water management districts across the state, the BMP program serves as a voluntary framework for farmers, ranchers, and other landowners to adopt practices that promote environmental stewardship. Through education, outreach, and technical support, the program encourages widespread adoption of BMPs by providing cost-share assistance and incentives. Ultimately, the BMP program aligns agricultural productivity with water quality protection, ensuring a sustainable future for Florida’s vital water resources.